Irish Gaelic Sayings
Irish Gaelic Sayings
Listen to Irish language sayings and phrases

1 Kiss my ass!

“Póg mo thóin!”pogue muh ho-in

Played/downloaded 1,790,294 times

2 Ireland Forever

“Éirinn go Brách”Erin guh brawk

Played/downloaded 1,267,910 times

3 My trousers are on fire!

“Tá mo bhríste trí thine!”thaw muh vreesh-tah tree hin-ah

Played/downloaded 299,846 times

Want to listen to 900 more Irish Gaelic recordings?

Listen to 900+ recordings by three native speakers of the Irish language (Irish Gaelic). And it's as easy as clicking on the play button. Our recordings have been played an amazing 7 million times since 2002. We have categories ranging from crazy Irish sayings like you heard, to how to introduce yourself in Irish, and lots of Irish sayings and blessings. You can listen to all 900+ recordings by becoming an Gold Member.



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What you get as a Gold Member

  • Most importantly: full access to all 471 entries found on
  • That includes: 471 Munster dialect recordings, 268 Connacht recordings and 181 Ulster recordings.
  • So you get access to all 920 recordings.

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But Wait! MP3 downloads of all recordings

But we'd like to offer you one more important thing: Gold Members have access to the MP3 download for each recording.

As a Gold Member, you will have full access to:

Irish Gaelic love phrases, Irish words, Irish blessings, Irish proverbs, days, seasons, months, people, family, virtues, body parts, introducing yourself, saying where you're from, hobbies, travel, places, in town, shops, landscape, food, and animals. You'll also get St. Patrick's Day sayings, and Hallowe'en sayings.

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If you're planning on purchasing our service, you should know who we are! Our business eTeanga is a small family-run business, based in Limerick, Ireland. has been operating since 2002.

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